Dipole at a parabolic reflector focus
This example shows how to design a very simple parabola reflector. This reflector is illuminated with a dipole antenna. Even this structure may have no practical use, it presents how to use the parametric line utility in GiD.
To create the geometry it is more convenient to use the geometry=>create=>parametric line. The following settings will create a parabola line. The focal length will be 0.5 m and the focal point will be at the coordinates (0 0 0.5).
When this is done use copy under utilities with following options:
To create the dipole, draw a line with the following points :
(-0.25, 0, 0.5)=>(0, 0, 0.5)=>(0.25, 0, 0.5)
The final geometry is displayed in the next picture :
Assign the interface properties over the surfaces and the antenna property over the wire.
Create a Voltage source at the middle point of the wire.
Choose a far field pattern.
Set the frequency (300 MHz, so that the dipole is a half wave dipole).
Collapse the model and repair it (optional, but recommended in most cases).
The computed surface currents. To switch to the wire currents, use the "Show Wire Currents" button in the 3D results window.
The computed far field pattern :
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